Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus || Spoken Word"

"Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus || Spoken Word"

This is a great response to the viral "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" Youtube video.

22 January 2012 Class

In class, we went over two aspects of this week:
The Conversion of St. Paul (Jan 25) and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan 18-25 this year).

Used National Catholic Register (note: not National Catholic Reporter) column here. Read column in class.

Briefly defined popular/colloquial Catholic terms on board:
1. Cradle Catholic
2. Cafeteria Catholic
3. Non-Cafeteria Catholic

Why Christian Unity important?
(1) Why become Christian if we are not united?
(2) United for common cause(s).

Discussed Conversion of Saint Paul who was originally named Saul (I did my own version):
Went from persecuting Church to defending Her (Jesus to Saul, "Why are you persucuting me?" Basis for Mystical Body of Christ, etc.).
Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-31.

Talked about persecution of the Church.
Handed out examples: Religious Freedom handout of Baltimore Archdiocese
(Forgot to mention: 20th century had more Christian martyrs than all of the previous centuries combined; current prosecutions in Muslim countries and elsewhere also)

Asked if anyone heard of the viral Youtube video "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" (not linked here). No one heard of it; I just pointed to an article about it that I handed out.
See video response here also (not shown in class):

Students did "play" of conversion of St. Paul at the end of class.
More commentary on the conversion of St. Paul (not shown in class), which is today:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

15 January 2012 Class

We are continuing the love section of the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love (1 Corr 13).

Creation shows God's love. We did the following handout in class and competed on teams to see who had more correct answers.

What does creation mean? What does creation teach us?

Each blank is one word. The numbers are in chronological order in the video above.

1. Without the world, ________ would be completely ________.

2. The entire universe has been ________ into ________.

3. Love is a great ________ of the ________.

4. In a purely generous, ________ act, God speaks the ________ into ________.

5. ________ in such a way that you are congruent* with the ________ ________ of the ________ -- that's what creation means -- ________ is the fundamentally ________ thing.
(* congruent = congruous = being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence)

6. We are connected to ________ ________.

7. The glory of ________ is a human being fully ________.

8. Adam, therefore, is the first ________ and the first ________.

9. What does all science rely on? The ________ of the world.

10. Walking in easy ________. You know what that makes ________ according to the Church Fathers? That makes ________ a ________.

11. To adore [God] is to be mouth to ________ with ________. Breathing in the ________ ________ and then breathing that ________ back in this great ________ of ________.

12. Every time we ________, every time we ________, we rediscover ________, we rediscover ________ with God.

We then made up creations plays based on the video (answers) above. The creation play was for before the fall.


The new translation of the Nicene Creed were passed out. We will be memorizing the Creed in sections (test on sections, not entire Creed). Will assign due dates in two weeks.

For more truth about creation, watch the video below.

Friday, January 13, 2012

8 January 2012 Class

For class in a few weeks on Catholic morality, asked students to write down and hand in their favorite movie, TV show, video game, and/or book. (also which movie/TV watch most since family may watch something diff from their favs) Students are to think of a scene in movie/book/etc to discuss in class; must be approved first for content (write down/email).

All students wanted to present favorites above to class. They were presented.

Activity (last Sunday of Christmas season):
Without using Bible and using a Catholic Liturgical Year Calendar, students broke into two groups (competition) to see who could come up with the biblical Christmas story most accurately (from memory; see Gospels of Matthew and Luke). The story was to include all about childhood as infant (before lost in Temple from Mary and Joseph).

Presented stories and discussed them. They hit the main points.

Other points missed/incorrect: Jesus wasn't actually baptized in the Christmas story, even though His baptism is the last day of liturgical Christmas season. Most forgot about John the Baptist completely (Gabriel to Mary; leaping in womb). Holy innocents: King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus since he was a threat to his earthly power.