Monday, October 31, 2011

30 October 2011 Class

Presented two saints from YouTube that had to do with Human Dignity (continue from last week):
St. M. Kolbe and St. P. Claver

St. Kolbe: (John 15:1-17) "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John 15:13) St. Kolbe laid down his life for another.

St. Claver: Gave his life to God, Christ, and the slaves. "And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’" (Matthew 25:31-46)

Let the students in on my plan for the class:
From 1 Corr 12:26 - 13
"So faith, hope, love remain, these three;h but the greatest of these is love."
I started out with faith, touched on hope (what do you hope for exercise), will end with love (actually, love is all throughout since God is Love).

The Bible verses above (all or most of the New Testament) was originally written in Greek. In Greek, 4 words for Love:
1. Phileo (between family/friends; Philadelphia=City of Brotherly Love)
2. Eros (romantic love)
3. Agape (Self-sacrificing love, purely for the good of the other)
4. (I forgot this one) Storge (Affection, less than Phileo as I understand)

In the 1 Corr 12-13, Love = Agape. Christ's love for the Church.

Next year, the Pope has called for the "Year of Faith". I used this as a handout.

We watched listen to Fr. Barron who talks to many people, esp. Atheists on Youtube who daily attack faith as superstition. He addresses them in the following video which I showed.

Path to faith:
1. Find out facts (Google search)
2. Meet person, talk to them. (Bible, Church, etc)
3. Trust what they say about themselves when they speak in 2. (Faith).

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

23 October 2011 Class

We continued reading the Visions handout regarding the dignity of the human person. The Visions handout focused on the dignity of work and 7 points around it. The seven points are Catholic Social Teaching. How the points are applied is part of the political process; different groups/parties have different ideas of how to apply/legislate/enforce laws (we didn't get specific).

Introduced Our Lady of Guadalupe to expand the idea of the dignity of the human person. Handed out first page of this pdf handout (used this online search). Our Lady was credited with ending the human sacrifice of the Aztecs after mass conversions to the Catholic Faith.

Talked briefly about Saint M. Kolbe (Hitler's Germany) and other Catholic martyrs that showed the Love of God.

Completed budget activity with play money. What budgeted items were that which belonged to God? First, each individual did their budget. Next, the class came up with a budget.

Next class, in addition to other things, we will record the definitions of Roman Catholicism to put on this website.

Monday, October 17, 2011

16 October 2011 Class

In the class on 16 October 2011, we thought about what we hope for. Hope for ourselves, others, our country, world, (etc) for now, short term, long term, longer... We used 8.5 x 17 paper to draw our thoughts and shared them.

What does hope mean?


We acted out the Sunday's reading as shown in the Visions handout. What was the Roman coin reading about? The Pharisees were trying to trap Jesus to get him in trouble with the Roman authorities. Money still has the country's name and people's pictures on it. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's (What does this mean? We'll be finding out.)

We read about the dignity of the person (not to be used as a commodity) as we read the Visions handout regarding work. We will continue this next class with an interesting/fun activity with play money.

Please remember that the homework (or see link here) is due next week. (Please email the letter to my email by class .)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Definition of Roman Catholicism Homework

In Class on Sunday, 9 October 2011, we did the activities in the Visions class work pages that had to do with being a Catholic Christian. We also read photocopies of pages 12-13 of "What the Church Believes and Teaches" (WCBT). We then watched the following video:

The following Bible verses were given on the board for further aspects of the Catholic Church (Click on them for the verses):
(a) John 6: 26-69 (Eucharist; Peter still believes)
(b) Acts 9: 1-9 (Saul (who will become St. Paul) persecutes the Body of Christ, the Church)
(c) Acts 15: 1-31 (Council of Jerusalem)
(d) Acts 19: 11-12 (Relics)
(e) 1 Timothy 3: 14-15 (Church as the pillar of Truth)
(f) John 16: 13 (Holy Spirit given to the Church for all Truth)
(g) Matthew 16: 13-19 (Peter is Rock of Faith and first Pope with forgiveness of sins)
(h) 1 Corinthians 11: 1-2 (Saints (here St. Paul) are to be emulated.)
(i) 1 Corinthians 11: 23-32 (Eucharist is body and blood of Jesus; must be eaten worthily)
(j) Collossians 1: 15-23 (The Mystical Body of Christ; Jesus is the head, the Church is the body)
(k) Luke 22: 19-20 (Eucharist is commanded in remembrance of Jesus)
(l) Ephesians 4: 1-6 (one faith, baptism, Lord)
(m) Ephesians 5: 29-33 (The Church is the Bride of Christ)

This is the homework that is due in two weeks from 9 October 2011 (23 October) for class:

In a letter to Michael Voris (person in the video above), please at least address the following points.

(1) (a) What is the definition of Roman Catholicism that was given in the video above? (This definition is specific to Roman Catholicism, not Christianity in general, per se.)
(b) Do you agree with the definition of Roman Catholicism by Michael Voris? Yes or no.
(c) Why do you agree or disagree? (This part (c) should be at least 3 sentences with about 5 words (or more) for each sentence.)
(i) Address the definition itself. What does the definition mean?
(ii) What are your thoughts about the definition?
(2) (a) Make up your own definition of Roman Catholicism that can be said/read in less than 26 seconds.
(b) Explain your definition.

The Visions work pages, the WCBT copied handout, and the Verses above should be referenced to do this homework.

Each person will read their own definition of Roman Catholicism on 23 October 2011 in class. Please email me your letters by the same day (before class).